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All and Nothing - official release on 4th July 2023 via all major online music platforms (Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, YouTube Music, Tidal, Deezer...)

The full album + the exclusive bonus track is available on /album/2510835/all-and-nothing - all contributions go directly towards Mark Langhorn's second album in 2024.

Donations to record the second album are now available using Stripe - please click the link below.

Donations target:  £10,000

Donations actual (as of 30th June 2023):  £150


There's a monkey in my man there's a monkey in my mind there's a monkey inside you”

Your donation helps 100% towards the 2nd album in 2024

"I have enough material to generate a second album with 12 tracks in 2024. My target is to reach £10,000 (c. $12,000) to cover all the recording studio expenses and the excellent drummer who played on "All and Nothing" (James Chapman). Thank you in advance for your time and support. M"

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The minimum tip is £10.00

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All and Nothing

Mark Langhorn

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All and Nothing

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All and Nothing is an Indie album that is 100% self-funded by British artist Mark Langhorn. This album is available with 12 tracks instead of 11 tracks exclusively via You can buy the whole album and set your own price with no upper limit. All revenue from album sales and donations will go 100% towards funding the next album

All and Nothing is an Indie album that is 100% self-funded by British artist Mark Langhorn. This album is available with 12 tracks instead of 11 tracks exclusively via You can buy the whole album and set your own price with no upper limit. All revenue from album sales and donations will go 100% towards funding the next album in 2024. All payments are done via Stripe and there is a % taken for the online payment service as well as a small contribution towards Stripe's Climate Impact initiative.

As ever, thank you for your support.


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